Significant opportunities were gained with Turkey becoming an Associate Member of CERN in 2015. The main opportunities that interest our scientists, engineers, companies and undergraduate/graduate students are as follows:

  • Citizens of the Republic of Turkey can benefit from all education, research and work opportunities of CERN and in this context, they can apply to the programs and positions announced by CERN.
  • Researchers, graduate students and engineers who want to take part in CERN projects can participate in project studies by contacting the team leaders of the projects in which Turkey takes part in CERN. Projects and team leader information can be found by searching for Türkiye on
  • Our companies can produce goods and services for CERN by participating in tenders opened by CERN. Information on the subject can be found on the TOBB CERN Industrial Liaison Office website:
  • CERN’s career programs can be accessed at CERN’s main programs for undergraduates and postgraduates are listed below. Application dates and application conditions for the programs can be accessed from the link provided.