An internship program is organized for undergraduate students under the supervision of faculty members and faculty members of our institute’s department and within the determined quota. Applications for these programs will be sent to our e-mail address ( with an application form. The application petition is located in the forms section.

During the application, undergraduate students are asked for their current transcripts, CVs and reference letter information.

Documents Required for Internship Application

The student must be insured during the internship and this must be done by the student’s institution. Otherwise, it is not possible for the student to be accepted as an intern in accordance with the law.

When the application period ends, each group leader among the candidates selects the intern students within the information received and the quota, and an informative e-mail is sent to the accepted students.

At the end of the internship period, students’ internship reports/notebooks should be prepared in 2 copies, 1 copy of which will be kept at the Institute.

IAT-Internship Rules

IAT-Internships Book

FR.02.34 – Internship Attendance Chart (Weekly)